The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox asks the question: if the universe is as large and old as it appears to be, why is it that Earth harbors the only life we can see? The more amusing version of this is: why can we see any stars at all? Why haven’t they all been converted into Dyson Spheres in service to a previous civilization that arose a mere million years earlier than our own? Given our own rate of development, it seems likely that any civilization serious about survival would have already captured any suns it could. This article is about the game with the same name, though.

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Myst: Masterpiece Edition

Myst is perhaps the most famous point and click adventure game series, surpassing both The Secret of Monkey Island and Broken Sword, in my opinion. When I was much younger, Myst was the game that always drew my eye and made me imagine the fantastic worlds that must lie within. For one reason or another, I never played it until now. After accidentally stumbling across C.G.P. Grey starting a playthrough of it on YouTube, I figured now was as good a time as any.

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Monster Hunter: World

I have no idea what I think of this game. For that matter, I’m not sure when I will know what I think of this game. I’m only writing this because it seems like it might be tens of hours before I can really make a determination and I don’t want to be thinking of writing this impression that entire time. But I’ll do my best here for now.

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