
“Damned?” Yeah, that sums it up. I’m done here.


What we’re looking at is an another unfinished piece of software that focuses on multiplayer. Back when this game was “new” I downloaded it and played a game. It was sort of like a multiplayer version of Slenderman for better or for worse. One player took the role of a horrible creature that tried to hunt down the other four human players while the players escape whatever location they were in. While it’s not inherently a terrible idea, it felt hugely unfinished. Mouse lag was atrocious. Game lag was unbearable. Load times were pathetic. Installing the game again today, I’ve found that all of these factors remain and they seem independent of the performance of your computer or game system settings. The game forum was full of pseudo-fixes, tweaks, and notepad edits to try to solve some of these problems but none of them that I tried seemed to help. Not that it mattered though; the game is mostly dead. A few servers were up but I get the feeling that they were established by those who were playing with real-world friends or had just fallen asleep with the game room open. Maybe this game is fun for some but the vehicle for its play is missing–a player base. All these components create a recipe for a Tier 4 game in my book; no matter the possibility of good intentions on the part of the creators.

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