Mini Motorways

Mini Motorways is a quasi-sequel to Mini Metro. If you’ve played Mini Metro, you know about what to expect in Mini Motorways – only instead of managing an ever-growing metro line with limited special components, you’re managing an ever-growing road system with limited special components (and on a grid this time).

I only really have two complaints about Mini Motorways. First, “destinations” have only one possible entrance/exit when they appear, even though houses can have an exit in any direction – this means that if a new destination pops up in the wrong place, you have to construct a road that heads basically all the way around the building to connect to existing roads. Second, while redesigning large swaths of metro lines would be entirely unrealistic and horrendously expensive in real life, it’s somehow less believable when dealing with roads – even though roads would be easier (relatively) to replace in the real world. But since this is part of the suspension of disbelief, it’s not too much of a dealbreaker.

And at under $10, it’s hard to argue with. Mini Metro had various updates that, while they didn’t change the game significantly, did improve user experience over time – so I’d expect the same from Mini Motorways. It’s a relaxing way to spend an hour or so – Tier One even with the occasional niggle I encountered.

Steam link