Moon Hunters

Hey, I backed this on Kickstarter!  I don’t regret doing so.  It’s an interesting game based around multiple playthroughs, though it didn’t really click for me.  For one, the combat mechanics seem a little unbalanced, as ranged attacks have serious advantages – to the point that I barely got hit my second time through.  My other issue is that the maps are fairly empty and are boring to fully explore.  The worldbuilding is intriguing, but since you’re asked to replay the game multiple times to discover more of the game – you end up starting from nothing every 45 minutes.  If the world was smaller with the same amount of content, I’d feel compelled to continue playing.  As it is, 45 minutes is too much time to spend each run given the content that is there – though it avoids Tier Three because it isn’t too long.  With some free time, I might try it again sometime, but for now it goes to Tier Two.