
Factorio is what happens when somebody like Zachtronics gets their hands on Terraria/Minecraft (though as far as I know the developers have nothing to do with any of those games). Where Minecraft is a medieval-ish fantasy sandbox, Factorio is a game about automation and logistics. It’s a game about crafting, but there’s an achievement for beating the game while crafting fewer than 111 items yourself. It’s also incredibly long – I’ve played for 9 hours, and I’ve apparently only really finished the Phase 2 gameplay (automating your basic science production), though an hour or two of that was getting the right mod list.

It’s hard for me to get addicted to games in the same vein as Minecraft, and I was definitely burning out towards the end of my 9 hours. Still, there are a lot of things to like about Factorio – for example, if you want to craft something complicated, you can just click on it in your craft screen and all the component bits will be crafted automatically in your inventory without you having to worry about it – which is very very nice. I definitely see myself beating it eventually. Tier One for now.

EDIT: It’s now Monday and I’ve played another 16 hours since posting this on Saturday. As it turns out, a game that you can waste a lot of time with is quite attractive when you’re stuck at home.

Steam link