A Hat in Time

This is a tough one to categorize. On the one hand, this is the most Nintendo game I’ve played that wasn’t made by Nintendo. On the other, it feels a bit like its trying too hard.

A Hat in Time is a story about a girl trying to retrieve all the time manipulation crystals that power her spacecraft, and her journey through various bright and colorful worlds in pursuit of those time pieces.

The gameplay is quite reminiscent of Super Mario Sunshine. Very, very reminiscent. So from a gameplay perspective, if you like Super Mario Sunshine, you’ll probably like A Hat in Time. It is distinguished in that you craft various hats and purchase stickers for your hat, unlocking new powers and exploring new worlds.

So why am I putting it into Tier Two? Well, the style and humor are either going to hook you or seem a bit forced, and unfortunately I fall into the latter camp. It almost won me over with its charms after the first act, but then the second act threw me into a mandatory stealth section, which didn’t do it any favors. In the end, it walks a tightrope between childlike and childish, and it’s up to you on which side it falls.

Steam link